SAfIS is currently in the course of formation — if there is any information missing on this sites, please don't hesitate to contact us!


We provide you with assistence on integrating state-of-the-art Information Security to Computer Systems, Networks, Web-Applications and Communication

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We analyse your Computer Systems, Networks and Web-Applications.
Succesfully audited Websites may display our Security Badge

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Whenever Computer Systems, Networks or Web-Applications were compromised, we collect data to analyse and close the breach in your security defense

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Welcome at SAfIS – Saarland Agency for Information Security!

Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec, is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. […] The chief area of concern for the field of information security is the balanced protection of the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data, also known as the CIA Triad, while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation and no major hampering of organization productivity.— Wikipedia Article »Information Security«

Information security threats come in many different forms. Some of the most common threats today are software attacks, theft of intellectual property, identity theft, theft of equipment or information, sabotage, and information extortion. Most people have experienced software attacks of some sort.

Preventing organisations as well as individuals from such security threats is our misson at SAfIS.

We consult you to let you create the most secure environment possible. We audit you to test your Computer System, Network and/or Web-Application and let you show others that they can safely rely on your systems. We do your forensics, if you suspect your systems to be compromised and analyse the weaknesses in your security defence that attackers may have used and help on how to close them.